Trucker Stories
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Best magic act I I have ever seen
Best magic act I I have ever seen
I was in Tennessee going to pick up a load at a shipper. Like any other shipper, it had a long line, you had to have an appointment, and you had to check in once you got there. As I pulled in, you could see a long chained fence. All shippers have gates. As I continued to pull in, I could see one guy outside of his truck. He was pacing back and forth as if something on his mind was troubling him. However, I went in and checked in. They gave me a door and proceeded to back in. Again, that same truck driver started pacing, smoking a cigarette. There are signs saying to stay in the truck. Not this guy, he just continued to pace back and forth again. That is when I decided to take a nap. Finally, they started loading me. I got up, decided to listen to the radio. Again, that guy was pacing. I was starting to think maybe there were something wrong. So, I decided to watch him. Just before I finished loading, he quickly connects his truck and goes inside. A few minutes later, he comes rolling out of the office, jumps in his truck and continues to go out the gate. I put my head down just for a minute when I started hearing a bunch of yelling. I looked towards the gate and the fence was gone. Looking down the road, that same driver apparently hooked to the gate with his trailer while exiting, ripping the whole fence out. I didn’t get a picture of it because police arrived. I was nervous to be around since my load just finished getting loaded. This was the first time i’ve watched a fence vanish in thin air. I told the security guard to make sure not to hire the same fence company lol.
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