RuggedTrucker.Fit – 21 Day Shoulder Workout

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Broad, defined shoulders are achieved by targeting the deltoid muscles – the anterior, medial, and posterior heads. Each of these muscles has specific functions, and it’s crucial to develop them all for a balanced and injury-free development.

This is why ‘shoulder workouts’ that only consist of overhead presses aren’t good enough. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great exercise BUT only doing presses neglects the posterior/rear deltoids, which can cause rotator cuff injuries. 

Here, we explore 4 band exercises that will give you well-rounded shoulders. 

Shoulder Anatomy

Source: Physiotherapy at Sport

Before you begin, it’s important to understand the anatomy of the shoulder muscle group. The shoulders are one of the most mobile joints in the human body. Due to the complex interplay of muscles, ligaments, and tendons most notable being the deltoids and the rotator cuffs. 

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder. Imbalances in shoulder strength, often caused by focusing too much on one type of exercise, can strain these stabilizers, leading to painful injuries. 

The deltoid muscle itself has three distinct “heads” or parts:

  1. Anterior (Frontal) Deltoid: Involved mainly in lifting the arm forward.
  2. Medial (Lateral) Deltoid: Plays a primary role in lifting the arm to the side.
  3. Posterior (Rear) Deltoid: Active during backward movement of the arm.

Warm-Up and Cool-Down Routines

Like every muscle group, the shoulders need adequate preparation before intense workouts and relaxation post-workout.

Warm-ups: Before diving into your shoulder workouts, engage in dynamic stretches like arm swings, shoulder circles, and high arm rotations.

Post-workout: Allow your shoulder muscles to relax with stretches like the cross-body shoulder stretch and the doorway stretch. These reduce muscle tension and aid recovery.

Now that we’ve got everything out of the way, let’s dive right into the 4 best band exercises for shoulders! 

4 Best Band Exercises for Shoulders

band exercises are great for building shoulders because you can do them at home, in a big rig, or in a hotel. Moreover, you can easily change resistance for superset, drop sets. Also, effective shoulder training usually entails isolation exercises like lateral raises. 

With that said, here is our workout plan consisting of our recommended 4 band exercises to build shoulders.

  1. Military press
  2. Front raise
  3. Side raise
  4. Bent-over flies 

Equipment required: 

  • A pair of bands and maybe a mat

1. Military Press

This exercise hits all three deltoid heads, making it a versatile addition to your routine. It’s particularly effective for pre-exhausting the anterior and medial heads, setting the stage for the following isolation exercises.

This compound movement engages the deltoids and recruits the triceps and upper pectoral muscles.

Primary muscles: Anterior deltoid 

Secondary muscles: Medial deltoid, triceps, trapezius, upper chest

This can be done in a seated position or standing position.

How To Do Military Press

  • Stand in an erect position with both feet shoulder with apart.
  • Put one foot in the middle of the band(s). (Both feet if you are short.) (go to one knee if you are tall.)
  • Step Back with the free leg and go into a lunge position.
  • With your bands in hand and your arms down in front, bring both bands up and over your head. (Bands should be stretching in front of you.)
  • Hold for a second.
  • Slowly bring them down with tension applied until you are in start position.

For Best Results

Strength Training: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps

Muscle Building: 4-5 Sets X 8-10 Reps

If you are looking for a Cardio workout, increase the Reps to 20-30 range.

Pro Tips: Focus on keeping the core engaged. Your arms should only be extending upwards, not forward (that would be another shoulder exercise, just not the one we’re doing). 

2. Front Raise

A stellar exercise for targeting the anterior deltoid. The neutral grip front raise recruits the anterior deltoids for raising the arm in front of the body. A well-developed anterior deltoid contributes to the ‘capped’ appearance of the shoulders.

Primary muscles: Anterior deltoid

Secondary muscles: Medial deltoid, serratus anterior, upper chest

Pro Tip: Keep the movement controlled and steady, avoiding rapid movements which may cause reliance on momentum. Also breathe consistently, exhaling as you lift the bands and inhaling as you lower them. 

How To Do Front Raise Exercises.

  • Grab your bands and put 1 foot in the middle of your desired band(s). You can use either foot. Which foot does not matter.
  • With your other foot, the one not standing on the band, step back as if you are in a lunge position.
  • Keep your arms in front of you near your thighs.
  • With an upright motion, simply raise your arms up to shoulder height while keeping your core tight.
  • Hold for a second, then lower your arms with resistance back to the starting position.

Strength Training: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps

Muscle Building: 4-5 Sets X 8-10 Reps

If you are looking for a Cardio workout, increase the Reps to 20-30 range.

3. Side Raises

Side Raises is an isolated movement. It should be performed after a compound exercise, ex. military press.

Primary muscles: Medial deltoid

Secondary muscles: Anterior deltoid, posterior deltoid, trapezius

How To Do Front Raise Exercises.

  • Grab your bands and put 1 foot in the middle of your desired band(s). You can use either foot. Which foot does not matter.
  • With your other foot, widen your stance about shoulder with apart for balance.
  • Keep your arms in front of you near your side.
  • With an upright motion, simply raise your arms up to shoulder height, while keeping your core tight.
  • Hold for a second, then lower your arms with resistance back to the starting position.

Strength Training: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps

Muscle Building: 4-5 Sets X 8-10 Reps

If you are looking for a Cardio workout, increase the Reps to 20-30

4. Bent-Over Reverse Flies

Bent-over reverse flies are the perfect way to finish up our workout routine. This exercise primarily targets the posterior/rear deltoids, which supports better posture and balanced shoulder development.

Neglecting your rear shoulders can cause muscle imbalance and rotator cuff injuries with heavier resistance.

Primary muscles: Posterior deltoid

Secondary muscles: Medial deltoid, rhomboids, triceps, trapezius

How To Do Rear Raises

  • While standing erect, place the middle of the band under both feet.
  • At the hip bend over until you are parallel to the ground. (If you cannot be parallel, bend over as much as possible.)
  • With bands in hand and hands at your side, raise your arms until they are parallel to the ground.
  • Hold for a second, then bring them down with tension of the bands applied.
  • Fully return to start position and do it again.

For Best Results

Strength Training: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps

Muscle Building: 4-5 Sets X 8-10 Reps

If you are looking for a Cardio workout, increase the Reps to 20-30 range.

Protein: The building block of muscles. Foods like chicken, fish, and eggs, which are rich in protein. They aid in muscle repair and growth.

Healthy Fats: Essential for joint health. Avocado, nuts, seeds, and fish are excellent sources.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provide the energy required for your workouts. It is also what can make you fat if you eat too much and don’t have a reasonable portion size. Keep that in mind.

Hydration: Water plays a significant role in muscle function and recovery. Ensure you’re drinking adequate water throughout the day.

BONUS: The Most Important Tip for Building Broad Shoulders

Progressive overload.

If you want strong shoulders, you MUST challenge them over time by progressively increasing the resistance, reps, and/or sets on your shoulder exercises.

Your shoulders will grow in proportion to the stress you place on them.

So be sure you’re continuously adding resistance, reps, sets, or reducing rest times on your shoulder exercises. Track your progress too, it’s motivating to see your numbers increase over time!