Trucker Stories
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Earry I-44…
Earry I-44…
I have drove I-44 numerous of times. A matter of fact, I drove it just last week. The stretch I am talking about…goes from OKC to Tulsa….which has given me the creeps since.
I was heading West on I-44 around midnight. Not much to it…it looked like a regular night. There were no four-wheelers out slowing me down. Just a night where you roll down your window…running the wind through your hands.
Up ahead just before Chandler there was an accident. No cops at the scene…it looked like it just happened. On the left side was a car upside down…while another was in the median. A lot of shrap metal lying around.
I pulled over to see if everyone was alright. There was a woman outside on the phone in a frantic. I quickly called police…apparently they knew about the accident and had dispatched a cruiser to the scene.
After a few seconds of fear…I got out to help…if help is warranted.
There was a guy not moving in the vehicle…while being suspended in the seat. The woman looked at me and said….don’t touch anything. I wasn’t going to touch anything…just making sure I could help or not.
Sirens and lights started coming from a distance…. and my heart started to race some more. Then I heard…help…coming from the treeline. Without thinking, I ran over there near the guy. His leg was facing the other direction. Freaked me out…while he kepted yelling while in pain.
I knew if he had a spinal fracture he should not be moved. That’s when I heard another shouting.
A woman was trapped in the Cab of the truck.
Without thinking…I ran over to the cab. As the truck is lying on its side..I had access to the windshield. It took quite a few kicks…but I was able to knock it out. (it was a freightliner with the split window..)
I got her out of the truck…headed up to the road when help was finally there.
The paramedic’s ran quickly to the woman to take over.
I know I didn’t do much…but my heart was racing with fear. I never asked what happened with the others’…
I know it was all within minutes…but I had never felt useless and afraid like that day.
Now, everyday I pass through there it reminds me of this accident.
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