RuggedTrucker.Fit – Stretching Exercises

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Stretching Exercises

Ankle Rotation

Main Muscles Worked: Calf Muscles

Equipment Needed: None

Step by Step Instructions:

  • Stand hip distance apart with your arms on your hips
  • rotate with your ankle in one direction and then the other
  • Repeat the same with the other ankle

Tip: make a full rotation

Ankle Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Calf Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Sit on the mat with your legs extended
  • Place your hands behind your back for support
  • Bring your toes toward you in a dorsiflexion position and hold
  • Release and do the opposite; bring the toes toward the floor in plantar flexion
  • alternate

Tip: You can use an elastic band or a strap to pull the foot toward you. That will increase the stretch.

Back Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi and Multifidus Muscles

Equipment needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Sit on the mat with your legs crossed
  • Place your hands on your knees
  • Arch your back toward the floor and extend your arms, drop your head between your shoulders
  • Hold the position, and next do the opposite; push your chest forward and exaggerate the lumbar spine, look up
  • Hold and release

Tip: draw your belly in to help arch your back in the first position.

Bend Forward Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Lower Back and Hamstrings

Equipment needed: None

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Stand with your feet together
  • Slowly lower down as far as you can
  • You can hold your legs to bring the body close to the ground.

Tip: if you can’t reach with your arms to the floor, place a yoga block or a box in front of you and place your hands on it.

Butterfly Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Groin Muscles, Adductors

Equipment needed: None

Step-by-Step instructions:

  • Sit on the floor and flex your knees
  • Place your feet together and align them
  • Hold your ankles and place your elbows on the inner side of your knees
  • Now, bend forward and push your knees toward the floor until you feel a stretch in your groin and inner thigh muscles
  • Hold the stretch

Tip: push the knees down with your elbows to increase the stretch.

Chair Back and Arm Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Deltoideus, Latissimus Dorsi, Hamstrings, Chest

Equipment Needed: Chair

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Stand behind the chair around 1,5 meters away
  • Lean forward and place your hands on the chair support
  • Bend forward as far as you can while keeping your back and knees straight
  • Place one arm off the chair, facing down the floor
  • Try to bring it as close to the floor as you can
  • Repeat the same with the other arm

Tip: push your chest down toward the floor for a maximal stretch

Chair Back Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Deltoideus,Latissimus Dorsi, Hamstrings

Equipment needed: Chair

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Stand behind the chair around 1,5 meters away
  • Lean forward and place your hands on the chair support
  • Bend forward as far as you can while keeping your back and knees straight
  • Hold the stretch

Tip: push your chest down toward the floor for a maximal stretch.

Chair Glute Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Glute Muscles

Equipment Needed: Chair

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Sit on the chair
  • Cross one leg over the other so that the leg is resting on your thigh
  • Bend forward and push your knee down with your arm
  • Hold the stretch
  • Repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: Try to keep your back straight and avoid arching it. Imagine you are moving your torso down and forward.

Chair Hamstring Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hamstrings Muscles

Equipment Needed: Chair

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Stand in front of a chair
  • Place one leg on the chair with your toes pointing up and knee extended
  • Lean forward toward the leg while keeping your back as straight as possible
  • Hold the stretch

Tip: keep your foot in dorsiflexion to also stretch calf muscles.

Chair Hip and Back Stretch

Main Wuscles Worked: Adductor Muscles, Groin Muscles, Chest Muscles, Thoracic Spine Muscles.

Equipment Needed: Chair

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Stand in front of a chair and place your right leg on the chair
  • Step with the left leg a bit further away until you feel a stretch in your hips
  • Place both hands on the inner side of your right leg
  • Lift the right arm and rotate your torso to look up toward the right arm
  • You should feel an intense stretch in your hips, back and chest
  • Hold and then repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: you can use a yoga block or a box if you can’t place your hand on the chair or if the stretch feels too intense. Once you progress, you can remove it.

Chair Quadriceps Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Quadriceps, Hip Flexors

Equipment Needed: Chair

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Stand in front of a chair
  • Place the left leg on the chair and lean forward to hold onto the back of the chair
  • Place your right leg further away until you feel a stretch in your thigh
  • Hold a stretch and then repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: Push your hips forward, and do not arch your back.

Chair Seated Hamstring Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hamstring Muscles

Equipment Needed: Chair

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Sit on the edge of the chair
  • Extend one leg and lift your toes off the floor
  • Place your hand on each other and extend them in front of you
  • Lean forward toward the extended leg as far as you can
  • Hold the stretch
  • Repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: Keep your back as straight as possible.

Cross Legs Forward Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Lower Back, Hip Adductor Muscles, Groin Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Sit on the mat with your legs crossed
  • Bend forward and try to place your arms as far upfront as you can
  • Hold the stretch

Tip: Push your knees down toward the floor.

Deep Lunge Hip Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hip Flexor Muscles, Adductors Muscles, Lower Back Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Kneel on the mat
  • Step with your left leg forward to a lunge until you feel a stretch in your hips
  • Place both arms on the inner side of the leg
  • Try to place your elbows on the mat
  • Hold the position
  • Release and repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: If you can’t place your elbows down, use a yoga block or a box to elevate your elbows. Once you progress, you can remove it.

Downward Dog

Main Muscles Worked: Arms, Shoulders, Back, Hamstrings, Calves

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Start in a quadruped position

⦁ Lift your knees off the mat and extend them

⦁ Push your head between your shoulders and extend your arms

⦁ Push your hips up and heels down to feel an intense stretch

⦁ Hold the position

Tip: Spread your fingers to give you strong support.

Forward Neck Stretch

Main Muscles worked: Upper Neck Stretch

Equipment Needed: None

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Stand or sit on the chair

⦁ Place your hands behind your neck and bend your elbows

⦁ Push your chin toward the chest and hold the stretch

Tip: When pushing your head down with your arms, try to push up with your head to create a counterforce lightly. That will increase the stretch.

Knee to Chest

Main Muscles Worked: Lower Back Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Lie on your back

⦁ Bring both legs toward your chest and hold them with your arms

⦁ Hold the stretch

Tip: You can lift your head off the floor and bring your nose close to your knees.

Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hamstring Muscles and Lower Back

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Kneel on the mat and place one leg in front of you

⦁ Extend the leg with your toes pointing up

⦁ Bend forward toward the leg until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings

⦁ Hold the stretch and repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: Keep your back straight; try not to arch it too much.

Lunge Hip Flexor and Quadriceps Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hip Flexor Muscles and Quadriceps Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Start in a kneeling position

⦁ Place one leg forward to a lunge position

⦁ Place the knee of the back leg down on the mat

⦁ Lean forward with your torso and push your hip forward

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat with the other leg

Tip: Try not to arch your lower back.

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hamstring Muscles, Hip Flexor Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor

⦁ Lift one leg up and hold it with your hands

⦁ Extended the other leg and place it on the mat

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: If this it too hard, you can keep the other leg flexed with the foot on the floor. Once you progress, you can extend it.

Lying Glute Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Glute Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor

⦁ Cross one leg across the other, like you would make a number 4

⦁ Hold the leg that is on the floor and lift it up

⦁ Bring both legs toward your chest and hold

⦁ Repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: If you can’t hold the leg, you can place a strap or elastic band around the thigh to help bring the leg toward you.

Lying Hip Flexor Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hip Flexor Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Lie on your back with your knee bend and feet on the floor

⦁ Bring one leg toward your chest and hold it with both arms

⦁ Extended the other leg and place it on the floor

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: Push the heel of the extended leg down to increase the stretch.

Lying Inner Thigh Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Adductor Muscles, Hip Flexor Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-step Instructions:

⦁ Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor

⦁ Extend one leg and grab your toe

⦁ Bring the leg to the side as close to the floor as possible

⦁ Extended the other leg on the floor

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: If you can’t reach your toe, you can use a strap or a band around your foot to hold the leg.

Lying Side Hip Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Adductor Muscles, Groin Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor

⦁ Bring one leg toward your chest and extend the other leg on the floor

⦁ Open the leg that is close to your chest to the same side (e.g. left leg to the left side)

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: Push the knee down with your arm to increase the stretch.

Lying Twist Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Glute Muscles, Chest Muscles, Neck Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-step Instructions:

⦁ Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor

⦁ Bring the left leg toward your chest and extend the right leg on the floor

⦁ Cross your left leg over the right side while keeping your upper back on the floor

⦁ Open your left arm to the side with your palm facing up

Tip: Look to the opposite side to increase the stretch.

Pigeon Pose Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Adductor Muscles, Glute Muscles, Hip Flexor Muscles, Lower Back Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Start in a kneeling position

⦁ Place one leg forward and bend your knee so that your foot is facing slightly to the side

⦁ Place the leg down

⦁ Lower your body down and lie on the mat in a prone position

⦁ Try to keep the other leg extended

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: Reach with your arms forward to increase the stretch.

Puppy Pose Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Core Muscles

Equipment Needed: mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Start in a kneeling position

⦁ Place your knees, chest, and chin on the mat

⦁ Keep your hips up and elbows pointing toward the ceiling

⦁ Hold the stretch

Tip: look up and push your shoulder back. Squeeze your shoulder blades.

Scorpio Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hip Flexor Muscles, Core Muscles,Quadriceps Muscles

Equipment Needed: mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Start in a kneeling position

⦁ Place your knees, chest and chin on the floor

⦁ Extended one leg up toward the ceiling

⦁ Try to extend the hip and knee as much as you can

⦁ Hold and repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: Keep the foot in plantar flexion to increase the stretch

Seated Adductor Stretch Center

Main Muscles Worked: Adductor Muscles, Lower Back Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Sit on the mat with your leg apart and knees extended

⦁ Lean forward until your feel an intense stretch in your inner thighs

⦁ Hold

Tip: Try to keep your back straight; avoid arching it too much in the upper and middle part.

Seated Adductor Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Adductor Muscles

Equipment Neded: Chair

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Sit on the mat with your legs apart

⦁ Lean toward one leg and bend forward as far as you can

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: Try to move your upper body down and forward toward the toes.

Seated Hamstring Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hamstring Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Sit on the mat with your legs extended

⦁ Bend one knee and hold it under your heel

⦁ Extended the leg up while holding it with your hands

⦁ Try to keep your body in an upright position

⦁ Hold and repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: If you can’t extend the knee, you can place a strap or a band around your foot to help you.

Seated Lower Back and Hamstring Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hamstring Muscles and Lower Back

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Sit on the mat with your legs extended

⦁ Lean forward while keeping your knees extended

⦁ Hold the stretch

Tip: Try to keep your back straight; avoid arching it to much in the middle and lower part.

Seated Shoulder Stretch

Seated Single Leg Hamstring Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Hamstring Muscles, Calf Muscles

Equipment Needed: Chair

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Sit on the mat with one leg extended and the other bend to the side

⦁ Lean toward the extended leg

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other leg

Tip: You can help yourself with a strap or a band around the extended foot to bring you closer to the foot.

Side Core Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Transverse Abdominis, Latissimus Dorsi

Equipment needed: Mat

⦁ Sit on the mat with your legs cross and knees bend

⦁ Place one arm to the side on the mat

⦁ Lift the other arm up and lean to the side until you feel a stretch in your side core muscles

⦁ Hold and release

⦁ Repeat the same with the other arm

Tip: You can try to place your elbow on the mat. It will increase the stretch.

Side Neck Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Side Neck Muscles

Equipment Needed: None

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Stand tall and place your right arm on the left side of your head

⦁ Lightly tilt your head toward the right shoulder until you feel a stretch in your side neck muscles

⦁ Hold a stretch

⦁ Repeat the same on the other side

Tip: Slightly push with the extended arm down to increase the stretch.

Standing Chest and Shoulder Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Chest Muscles, Deltoid Muscle

Equipment Needed: None

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Stand tall and place your arms behind your back

⦁ Cross your fingers

⦁ Push your chest forward and arms back, arch your back and look up

⦁ Hold the stretch

Tip: Push your shoulder blades together.

Standing Overhead Triceps Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Triceps Brachii

Equipment needed: None

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Stand tall and lift one arm overhead

⦁ Bend the elbow behind your head and push it down with the other arm

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other arm

Tip: You can slightly lean to the side to also stretch latissimus dorsi muscle.

Standing Shoulder Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Deltoid Muscle.

Equipment Needed: None

Step-by-step instructions:

⦁ Stand tall and place one arm across your chest

⦁ Hold it with the other arm and push it to the side

⦁ Turn your head to the opposite side and hold

⦁ Repeat the same with the other arm

Tip: Try to keep the arm extended.

Standing Upper Back and Shoulder Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Upper Back Muscles, Latissimus Dors

Equipment needed: None

Step-by-step instructions:

⦁ Stand tall and raise your arms in front of you

⦁ Cross your fingers

⦁ Push your arms forward, arch your back, and drop your head between your arms

⦁ Imagine someone is pulling your forward

⦁ Hold the stretch

Tip: Draw your belly in and tilt your pelvis backwards.

Standing Wrist Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Wrist Extensors Muscles

Equipment Needed: None

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Stand tall and raise one arm in front of you

⦁ Pull your wrist down with the other hand so that your fingers are pointing down

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other hand

Tip: Hold the palm a bit higher to increase the stretch.

Thoracic Spine Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Latissimus Dorsi, Oblique Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Sit on the mat with your legs crossed and knees bend

⦁ Place your left hand on the right knee and your right hand behind your back

⦁ Twist to the right side and hold

⦁ Repeat the same on the other side

Tip: Push the knee slightly inward to increase the stretch.

Toes Ankle Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Toes Muscles

Equipment needed: None

Step-by-step instructions:

⦁ Stand tall and place your hands on your hips

⦁ Lift one heel up and press your toes down

⦁ Alternate between the legs

Tip: Slightly push your heel forward to increase the stretch.

Toes Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Toes Muscles

Equipment needed: None

Step-by-step instructions:

⦁ Stand tall and place your hands on your hips

⦁ Lift the heel off the floor and roll your toes inward until you feel a stretch in your toes

⦁ Hold and repeat the same with the other foot

Tip: You can place the foot on a softer surface to make it more comfortable.

Twist Shoulder Stretch Arm Up

Main Muscles Worked: Deltoid Muscles, Chest Muscles, Upper Back Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Start in a quadruped position

⦁ Place your right arm down to the side

⦁ Bring your shoulder on the mat

⦁ Extend your left arm up toward the ceiling and look up

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other arm

Tip: Try to twist your body as much as you can to increase the stretch.

Twist Shoulder Stretch with Arm Overhead

Main Muscles Worked: Deltoid Muscles, Chest Muscles, Upper Back Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-step instructions:

⦁ Start in a quadruped position

⦁ Place your right arm down to the side

⦁ Bring your shoulder on the mat

⦁ Extended the other arm over the head and place it on the mat

⦁ Twist your core

⦁ Hold and repeat the same with the other shoulder

Tip: Try to reach with the arm as far up overhead.

Twist Shoulder Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Deltoid Muscles, Chest Muscles, Upper Back Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Start in a quadruped position

⦁ Place your right arm down to the side

⦁ Bring your shoulder on the mat

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same with the other arm

Tip: Push your shoulder down and arm forward.

Wall Chest and Shoulder Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Chest Muscles, Side Neck Muscles

Equipment Needed: Wall

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Stand by the wall

⦁ Place the inner arm on the wall with your elbow bent and fingers pointing up

⦁ Stand close to the wall

⦁ Lean forward until you feel a stretch in your chest

⦁ Look down opposite from the wall

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same on the other side

Tip: Place the outer leg forward to avoid arching the back.

Wall Chest Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Chest Muscles, Biceps Muscles

Equipment Needed: Wall

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Stand by the wall

⦁ Place the inner arm at shoulder level on the wall and extended the elbow

⦁ Lean forward until your feel a stretch in your upper arm and shoulder

⦁ Hold the stretch

⦁ Repeat the same on the other side

Tip: Place the outer leg forward to avoid arching the back

Wrist Stretch

Main Muscles Worked: Wrist Flexors Muscles

Equipment Needed: Mat

Step-by-Step Instructions:

⦁ Kneel on the mat

⦁ Place your hands on the mat in front of your with your fingers pointing toward you

⦁ Push your palms down until you feel a stretch on the inner side of your arm

⦁ Hold the stretch

Tip: Slightly lean back with your hips to increase the stretch.

RuggedTrucker Fit.