21 Day Workout Challenge “Truckers”
Reduce your chances of poor blood circulation, blood clots, and natural born illnesses by making sure you stay active. Below is our 21 Day Workout Challenge for “Truckers.”
No getting on the ground, No equipment. Easy for anyone to try. No heavy impact for your lower back. Just a simple movement routine to get your heart pumping, blood moving, and a healthier you!
You can do many of the exercises in the TRUCK….if your truck isn’t TRASHED OUT!
Do Something More Than Nothing! Then Do A Little More Tomorrow.
A. Step side to side with your legs while swinging your arms.
A. Stand with your feet together and arms by your sides. Brace your core to engage your abs and pull your shoulders down and back into good posture. Look straight ahead.
B. Bend one leg and lift your knee up until your thigh is roughly level with the floor. Simultaneously drive your opposite arm forward and the other arm backward. Use an exaggerated range of movement to maximize upper body engagement.
C. Lower your leg and then change sides, establishing a brisk but controlled rhythm.
D. Take care NOT to lower your chest to your knees but, instead, lift your legs up higher.
E. After a few seconds, increase the intensity by transitioning into running high knee raises, so both feet leave the floor briefly.
F. Stay on the spot, or, if you prefer, you can travel forward, backward, or side to side.
3. LEG KICKS – 30
A. Stand with your feet apart, left foot in front, and hands in loose fists in front of your chin, palms facing each other.
B. Keeping your abs tight, lean your weight into your left leg. Lift your right knee to waist height, and kick your lower leg straight out in front of you as high as is comfortable. (It’s a quick but controlled movement.)
C. Keep your left (standing) leg slightly bent. Immediately bring your right leg back down.
A. Stand tall with your feet between hip-width and shoulder-width apart. You can place your hands on your shoulders or up by your head with your elbows out.
B. sit back and squat down, dropping to about parallel to the ground. Make sure your heels stay down as you sit down and back as low as you can.
C. Drive back up to standing and, as you do, tuck one knee up as you rotate your opposite elbow toward your knee. It’s almost as if you’re marching up and rotating toward that leg. You may crunch slightly but you don’t just want to round over. You want to tuck your knee up as high as you can as you rotate toward that leg.
D. Put the foot back down and repeat the squat before tucking and twisting to the other side.
A. Stand upright with your feet together and arms by your sides.
B. Raise one knee until your thigh is about horizontal. Let your lower leg follow gravity. At the same time, raise your arms sideways until they are about vertical.
C. Lower your leg again and land with your leg slightly less than stretched. At the same time, raise your other leg similar to the previous step.
D. Lower your arms sideways until they are back in starting position. At slow speeds, you can time this with your leg movements. At higher speeds, you do each of the movements at their own pace.
E. Keep moving your arms and legs up and down for a certain amount of time.
A. Standing with legs shoulders width with arms straight out at an angle with right arm lower and left arm slightly higher. Reach right arm out at waist without moving lower body. Recover then repeat.
B. Reach right arm out at waist without moving lower body.
C. Recover then repeat.
A. Standing with legs shoulders width with arms straight out at an angle with left arm lower and right arm slightly higher.
B. Reach left arm out at waist without moving lower body.
C. Recover then repeat.
8. SIDE BENDS – 20
A. Stand straight up with feet shoulder width apart.
B. Bend at your waist towards one side.
C. Straighten back up into your starting position.
D. Bend at your waist towards the other side.
9. HIP SWIRLS – 20
A. Stand with your arms extended in front of you, palms facing down.
B. As you move forward, swing your right leg up to extend it straight out, creating a 90-degree angle with your body.
C. Lower your right leg to the floor, then swing your left leg up in the same way.
10. PUNCHES – 30
A. Stand shoulder with apart.
B. With your right hand, punch straight out in front of you. Make sure you have hip movement.
C. Bring your punch to original position.
D. With your left hand, punch straight out in front of you. Make sure you have hip movement.
E. Bring your punch to original position.
Continue these workouts for 21 Days…for our 21 Day Challenge.